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Archive for the ‘Pet Care Tips’ category

8 Tips for Moving with Pets

July 18th, 2018

For many people, just the thought of moving is enough to stress them out. But if you are moving and have pets, then that move can often become even more challenging. After all, when moving with children, you can sit down and tell them what’s going on and they can be prepared and even help […]

Most of us don’t hesitate to take our cats to the vet to get the assorted recommended shots. After all, it is our goal to see that they are healthy and happy. So, as per the schedule, we load up our fur babies and head to the vet – rarely giving any thought to potential […]

If you are a pet owner, then it is likely you have been told to keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date. However, in recent years, there has been much discussion about just how safe this is. This is not to say that pets should never be vaccinated, but rather poses the question, “Is it […]