We love our pets. But sometimes, taking them with us when we travel is not an option. Whether it be due to the length of the trip or the mode(s) of travel, there are times when leaving our furbaby behind is the only recourse. However, this doesn’t mean you must call a kennel and leave your pet in a strange location with people they don’t know. The better option is to make arrangements with a pet sitter.
Pitting services have become a favorite way to travel without worrying about your pet being back home with strangers. Why? Because no matter how nice a pet kennel is, it is still not your pet’s home. But this isn’t the only reason to choose to work with a pet-sitting service.
Advantages of Working with a Pet Sitting Service
- Your pet can stay in an environment where it is at ease and comfortable. There are no surprise animals, sounds, smells, or routines to disrupt its day.
- A pet sitter will give them the personalized attention they need. From food to meds, playtime, or exercise, you can provide a pet sitter with a list of needs and know that your pet will be treated just as you want.
- You eliminate potential travel trauma for your pet. This also means you have less trauma, too. No crating our pet for a plane or train ride or dealing with road trip traffic while your pet paces in their crate in the backseat.
- When you arrive at your destination, you don’t have to be concerned about imposing on family to house your pet. Also, not traveling with your pet can make it easier to find accommodations as many hotels, resorts, etc., are not as welcoming to pets.
- Protect your pet from exposure to unfamiliar allergens, pets, or parasites. This is especially important if you are traveling outside your region or country!
- It lowers the risk of separation anxiety for your pet. Even if your pet is a loner, it is still used to you being home at a set time of day. Having a pet sitter come to your home will give them social interaction. Also, some animals, particularly cats, sometimes lose their appetite, misbehave, and act out when anxious. Having a sitter keeps this from happening.
- Typically, you can customize your pet’s care to be specific to what your pet needs. Sometimes, a pet sitter can do extra things, like longer walks, playtime, etc., that you don’t always have time to engage in, thus making a pet sitter a treat for your pets.
- When you kennel your pets, you will pay a price based on the number of animals. Most pet sitters will give you a basic rate for all your pets because they don’t have to get specific supplies to maintain your pet’s needs. After all, you already have those items on hand.
When you are looking for a pet sitting service that will prioritize your pet(s), look no further than Sleep -eas zzz. As pet owners, we understand how hard it can be to leave your beloved furbabies behind. But as experienced pet sitters, you can depend on us to go above and beyond to put you and your pet at ease. We will follow your instructions, can take your pets for walks, and will ensure they get the special attention they need. Your pet will be so well taken care of that you will wonder why you didn’t contact us sooner. So don’t deliberate about what to do for your next trip. Give us a call today.