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Archive for the ‘Cats’ category

Why You Should Hire a Pet Sitter

February 12th, 2024

We love our pets. But sometimes, taking them with us when we travel is not an option. Whether it be due to the length of the trip or the mode(s) of travel, there are times when leaving our furbaby behind is the only recourse. However, this doesn’t mean you must call a kennel and leave […]

As a cat parent chances are that you spend a fair amount of time interacting with and taking care of your pet. You notice when their habits change. Consequently, when they seem out of sorts, you try to figure out what is going on. And while they can’t verbally speak to you, your cat does […]

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” ~Shakespeare You are the proud parent of a new fur baby. And, like any new baby, this little bundle of energy needs a fitting name. Sure, you can call your new kitten blacky, or fluffy, or Spot […]