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Archive for the ‘Pet Care Tips’ category

It seems there is always news about an approach to staying healthy. Be it getting more of a particular type of exercise, increasing how much you eat of a specific type of food or food group, or encouraging more or less time for sleep or leisure -there’s always something to improve. When it comes to […]

It is officially spring. And, even if it seems like many parts of the South are seeing more rain than sunshine, for those who love gardening, the season of seeing fresh new plant growth is officially here. However, if you also have pets, then you might want to give special thought to what type of […]

Tips for Holiday Travel with Pets

November 20th, 2018

With the holiday season in full swing, many pet owners find themselves in the quandary of either kenneling their pet, hiring a pet sitter (we like this option!) or traveling with their pets. And while the first two options are often easier because it can be more convenient, many pet owners don’t want to be […]