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Archive for the ‘Pet Care Tips’ category

Caring for Your Senior Cat

July 28th, 2017

Our young kittens, don’t stay little forever – though perhaps we might like it if they did. They seem to go from playful, mischief seeking, high energy family members to middle aged and seniors in the blink of an eye. But, as pets go, our feline friends are easy to care for – no matter […]

We all know the importance of being sure our children or senior family members are immunized against disease, but did you know that vaccinations are just as important for your pets? Just as you would take your children to get shots against diseases such as mumps, polio or other life threatening illnesses, you need to […]

How to Put Your Animal to Rest

December 15th, 2016

TO LOVE AGAIN Oh what unhappy twist of fate Has brought you homeless to my gate, The gate where once another stood To beg for shelter, warmth and food? For from that day I ceased to be The master of my destiny, While she, with purr and velvet paw Became within my house the law. […]