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11 Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe this Fall

Posted October 5th, 2012 by admin

There is something special about fall! The crisp temperatures, the color of the leaves, the call to spend time outside cleaning the yard or garage, children getting excited about Halloween costumes and candy—all of this and more are common activities for fall. However, many of these fall activities can pose problems for your pet. You don’t want to keep your pet from enjoying the festivities, so it is necessary that you take some preventative measures. Here are some basic precautions you can take to ensure that your furry friends stay safe.

  1. Collars and coats- The cooler temperatures of fall make it a great time for extra walks and hikes. However, if you will be walking in the evenings, be sure that your pet is wearing a reflective collar, that you use a leash made from reflective material and that you are wearing a reflective vest and carry a flashlight.
  2. Candy – While it is important to watch what your pets eat year around, fall (and the holiday season that follows) presents additional challenges to watching your pet’s snacking. Be sure to keep chocolate, gum and foods that contain artificial sweeteners (these can actually cause extremely low blood sugar and liver failure) out of your pet’s diet as these can cause severe digestive problems. It is especially important that your dog does not ingest dark chocolate, as this is toxic for them.
  3. Raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts and yeast dough breads – All of these are harmful to your pets, do not let them ingest these foods. In fact, grapes and raisins can be fatal for dogs!
  4. Rodenticides and pesticides – We all know that cooler temperatures can bring out those unsavory critters, so to prevent problems, many people will use rodenticides to keep them out. However, the poisons are also very dangerous to pets as they can cause anticoagulant bleeding disorders. If you use these items, be sure to put them in locations that your pet cannot get reach! Pesticides are also harmful as they, too, can cause severe bleeding in addition to kidney failure and death.
  5. Mushrooms – These are a problem during both the fall and the spring. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that do can be fatal if ingested. When out walking your pet keep him/her away from mushrooms as most of us are unable to tell the good from the bad.
  6. Snakes – This is a time of year where snakes are preparing for hibernation and as a result can be more defensive. Stay away from areas where snakes may be, be vigilant while out walking your pet and, take some time to brush up on what types of the slithering creatures live in your area.
  7. Coolant and antifreeze –Did you know that as little as 5 teaspoons of antifreeze can kill a 10 pound dog?  Be sure to clean up any spills and dispose of these items correctly.
  8. Arthritis – No, fall does not cause arthritis, but the cooler temperatures can cause pets who have arthritis to hurt more. Watch for signs such as stiffness in movement-especially in the morning, inability to get moving, limping after a long walk or continual licking of the joints.
  9. Fleas – This is not just a summertime malady. Fleas will seek out a warm “host” so be sure that your pet’s treatments, flea collar and other preventative measures are in place.
  10. Halloween costumes – Many pet owners love to dress their pets up in costumes, especially for events like Halloween parties. Be sure that costume(s) you choose do restrict movement, breathing or mobility. Costumes should also be free of small dangling pieces that can be chewed off or trip yourpet.
  11. Decorations – When decorating for any seasonal events, be sure that electrical cords, lights, etc. are out of your pet’s reach so that they will not be tempted to chew the items. Also, be aware of items where candles are used. Make certain that any candlelit items are not only out of reach but not set where they can be knocked down.

Pesticides and costumes and candy-oh my! Be sure to keep your pet safe this autumn by being vigilant. Just as you would watch the items your children are exposed to, be sure to do the same for your pets. Take the necessary precautions, then go out there and enjoy all the pleasures of the season.

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