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Archive for the ‘Your Best Friend’ category

Traveling with Your Pet

March 24th, 2015

Vacation season is rapidly approaching, and with it comes the decision of what to do with your pet. Do you hire a pet sitter or do take your four-legged family member on the trip with you? This element alone can cause some stressful moments in the trip planning stage. Of course, the pet sitters here […]

It’s a new year and for many people that means setting new goals for work and play. After all, having a plan is a good thing. But, in your 2015 goal setting and planning, have you thought about your feline friends? As a pet owner, you don’t want to overlook your furry friends and miss […]

As the cold of winter begins creeping into our routines, it becomes more difficult to want to go outside and be active –this is true for both people and pets. After all, there is a reason many of our furry (and some not so furry) friends hibernate! But, just because the temperatures get colder, it […]