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Posts tagged ‘kitten’

Caring for Your Senior Cat

July 28th, 2017

Our young kittens, don’t stay little forever – though perhaps we might like it if they did. They seem to go from playful, mischief seeking, high energy family members to middle aged and seniors in the blink of an eye. But, as pets go, our feline friends are easy to care for – no matter […]

Summertime Cat Care

May 21st, 2017

Summer time is rapidly approaching. In fact, while the calendar may not say the hottest season of the year has arrived, for those of us who live in the South, hotter temperatures have already made their appearance. And, while many people may look forward to warmer weather and fun in the sun, it is important […]

Cats are wonderful pets that can enrich our lives by encouraging us to play tug-a-war over yarn, providing entertainment as they chase shadows on the floor and by being there for us to snuggle with after a long day. Of course, as with anything that can benefit us, there are the occasional problems. With our […]