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Tips for Choosing Your Cat’s Name

Posted February 14th, 2023 by daniel

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” ~Shakespeare

You are the proud parent of a new fur baby. And, like any new baby, this little bundle of energy needs a fitting name. Sure, you can call your new kitten blacky, or fluffy, or Spot (Star Trek, anyone?) but like naming a human baby, you want to give your new addition something unique. It must be a name that fits their personality. But how do you decide on a name that is purr-fect?

How to Choose Your Kitten’s Name

While there are no exact rules you must follow in selecting your kitten’s name, there are some factors that can make it easier.

  • Personality – Is your kitten playful? Perhaps they like morning better than evenings. Do they seem content to sit on a perch and observe? How much do they sleep? Any of these factors can help you determine a name.
  • Looks – No, you can’t judge a cat by its fur, but its coloring or amount of hair can lend itself to the naming. For instance, a cat with a significant amount of fur could easily be name Fluffy, while an orange cat might be dubbed O.J. (for orange juice).
  • Age – Your cat won’t always be a kitten, so you might opt for a name your kitten can grow into. After all, you will be calling for your cat for a long time!
  • Keep it simple – Pets do better with short names, i.e. Those with no more than 2 syllables. This is because long names with several syllables or names that are difficult to pronounce can cause your cat to become confused and never really learn its name.
  • Household names – Don’t choose a cat name that rhymes or sounds like other pet or human names in the household. You want your cat to know they are being called.
  • Look to literature or movies – Books, movies, podcasts, comic books, TV shows, etc. are great resources for pet names. Pick a character whose personality or appearance reminds you of your cat and there you have- your cat’s name!
  • Names that represent a hobby – Look to cook? Perhaps name your white kitten Flour or Sugar. Do a lot of gardening? Then Daisy, Rosey, or Dahlia. Love to go hiking? Then maybe Boots.
  • Be sensible – Naming your cat with a play on words or its appearance is fine but remember that you will be calling your cat by said name in public- be it at the airport, the vet, or your favorite pet supply store. Think about how those around you will receive the name.

If you still need inspiration for your kitten’s name, go online. There are numerous sites with popular pet names. Or you may even want to consult a baby name’s book- after all, there’s no rule that says you can’t give a cat a people name!

So, what will you name your cat? Have a unique pet name? We would love to hear about it. After all, as longtime pet lovers and animal sitters, we have certainly heard our share of pet names!

Keeping Your Pet(s) Safe this Fall

Posted October 13th, 2022 by daniel

While the fall season is often a favorite time of year for people, it is not without its challenges for our pets. Sure, there are some great photo-worthy moments, and the cooler temperatures make it more pleasurable to take our pet outside for playtime or a walk, there are quite a few elements that can make the outdoors less than friendly for your feline friend(s).

Fall Pet Hazards to be Aware of


While most pet owners are aware that antifreeze is dangerous to animals, this doesn’t mean that everyone is or that they are as careful as one would like Pay attention to what your cat is doing when outside. If you think there might be a coolant spill or leak, then keep your cat away from it.


Halloween costumes might be fun to see on your pet but this doesn’t mean that they need the candy! While most people know that chocolate is bad for pets, there are other concerns. Lollipop sticks and candy wrappers, if swallowed are especially dangerous. Also, the artificial sweetener, xylitol, that is used in many candies can cause liver damage (especially for dogs!) – so keep these items out of reach of your pets.


While it might be cute to dress your pet up in a clown suit, be sure the clothing you put your pet in is animal safe, doesn’t contain any dyes or chemicals that can be harmful, and that the costume fits comfortably without choking.

Hiding Places 

When temperatures start to drop. Outside pets will look for warm places to sleep, and these are not always the best spots. Before starting your vehicle in the morning, take a minute to check the tire wells and the engine block.


Did you know that only 1% of mushrooms are actually toxic? However, telling safe from unsafe can be difficult. It is better to err on the side of caution and keep your pets away from any mushrooms. Going beyond mushrooms, certain fall plants can be harmful to your pet. Before planting something new, do some homework to find out if it is safe for your furry friends.


Beyond antifreeze, you should keep in mind that fall weather means people setting out poison for rodents and other pests.  If ingested by your fur baby, it can be fatal.

School supplies

If you have children who are using school supplies such as glue or markers, be sure these items are put away and kept out of reach for your pets. Although toxicity is low, the chemicals used in these items can cause gastrointestinal upset and blockages.

Candles and Décor

The soft glow of your candles might be soothing to you, but they can be intriguing to your pet. When using traditional candles be sure it is set up high enough not to be knocked down or swatted by your pet. Also, when setting out garlands, using electrical cords, or ribbons, be sure they are done to keep your cat from getting caught or choked by them.

Keep your furbaby safe this fall. Be aware of the activities, decorations, foods, and fluids around your home, yard, and neighborhood so you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy. And, should you need someone to help watch your furry friend(s), be sure to reach out to us. We would love to help you match with a pet sitter perfect for your situation.

Are Essential Oils Good for Your Cat?

Posted June 3rd, 2022 by daniel

In recent years, it seems essential oils are being used for nearly everything.  From relaxing to being energized, and from headaches to breathing issues, it would seem as if there is not a physical issue that cannot be treated -at least in part- with essential oils.

But are essential oils the answer for the things that ail your fur baby? After all, everyone knows that our furry friends love catnip! But what about other natural scents? Just how safe are those?

Essential Oils and Your Cat

Before You Begin

Before going too far with essential oils and cats, it is important to note several significant differences in using oils with cats versus with people.

  • Always talk to your vet before introducing essential oils in any form.
  • Never apply the oil directly to the cat’s skin!
  • Always stick with calming scents.
  • Consider using a hydrosol, also known as flower water, as the base for the essential oils.
  • Don’t combine types of oils. In addition, don’t use pure products or blends when you don’t know the concentration level.
  • Diffusers/infusers are not safe for your furry friends. They release the oils into the air and can cause respiratory issues and get into your cat’s skin. Then when they groom themselves, they ingest the oil.
  • Have a way your cat can leave the room/area where essential oils are in use, should they be overwhelmed by the scent. Remember, a cat’s sense of smell is stronger than a person’s is.
  • Don’t use essential oils or diffusers in a room where your cat typically grooms themselves.
  • Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after using essential oils on yourself before handling your cat.

Essential oils Safe for Cats

  • Chamomile oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Rose oil
  • Frankincense
  • Copaiba
  • Neroli
  • Helichrysum

Essential Oils Bad for Cats

  • All Menthol oils
  • All Mint oils
  • Anis
  • Basil
  • Birch
  • Bitter almond
  • Clove
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Lemon and other citrus oils
  • Oregano
  • Pennyroyal
  • Pine
  • Sandalwood
  • Tarragon
  • Tea tree
  • Tea Tree oil
  • Thuja
  • Wormwood
  • Ylang ylang oil

Signs Your Pet Has Been Around Unsafe Essential Oils

You are not with your pet all the time, so there is always the chance they could have been exposed to an unsafe essential oil. Or, it could be that, unknown to you, your pet got into a room where you used essential oils. If so, here are signs you need to watch for:

  • Gastrointestinal – Upset stomach- drooling, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Respiratory – Trouble breathing, sneezing, coughing, and panting
  • Dermatological -Watery eyes, runny nose, pawing at face, red lips or gums, red skin
  • Nervous system- muscle weakness, imbalanced, uneven walking, tremors, anxiety
  • Liver Damage – vomiting, yellow skin, eyes or gums, increased thirst, and excessive urination

So, essential oils- good for people, but not so much for your cat! If you are looking for alternative methods to help calm your fur baby, don’t immediately reach for the diffuser and oils! Talk to your vet and see what they suggest. After all, the goal is to make your pet feel better-not worse.