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The 3 Types of Cat Personalities

Posted April 20th, 2016 by admin

We love our cats! They make us smile, add comfort, and bring companionship. In fact, just spend a bit of time in a home with several cats and you will discover that every cat has its own distinct personality. But what causes these unique personality traits? Are they born with them or are they a result of human interaction?

Cats have been domesticated for centuries, in fact, it is one of the few animals that domesticated on its own. Yet, while humans have spent many years breeding dogs for specific traits and personalities, it was not until the Victorian Age that people started breeding cats. This means that cat’s personalities have been encouraged, and social mannerism have been changed.

That stated, it should be noted that observers of feline behavior have broken cat personalities down to three main types – alphas, betas, and gammas.

Cat Personalities

Alpha cats, as their name implies, are those cats who always want to be in charge. They are great cats, though not necessarily the perfect pet for someone who wants to cosset them. They are the reason doors to cupboards must be locked, are the ones that have no qualms about disturbing you until you meet their needs, and seek your praise for all their accomplishments – the mouse on the doorstep, the destroyed piece of furniture, moving the litter box to the “right” place, etc. These cats tend to intimidate more shy cats simply by walking past them, small dogs often give them  grudging respect, and they are very persuasive with softhearted humans. Alpha cats are most common in breeds such as Abyssinian, Siamese, Rex cats, and other “Oriental” breeds.

Betas are born companions to the alpha, as they tend to want to please. They see fun in everything around them, so leaving out an assortment of toys is quite often all it takes to keep them happy. The beta cat is typically thrilled to meet new people, and is often quite chatty. They are usually more muscular cats, have calm, inquisitive expressions, and are known as “supervisors” often sitting back and observing what is happening. Breeds best known for being betas are Tonkinese, Manx, Scottish Fold, Maine Coon, and Norwegian Forest Cat.

Gamma cats are kind, loving, unassuming, laidback cats, which may be perceived as shy. They are the cats that will not assert themselves for attention – you will have to make the effort to befriend them. They don’t need additional cats for companionship, nor do they thrive with changes in routine, residence, or other unpredictable scenarios. They do best in homes without young children or other animals, and will need a quiet place to unwind. Common gamma breeds include Persian, Chantilly-Tiffany, Chartreux, Himalayan, British Shorthair, Ragdoll, and Birman.

So what type of personalities do your cats have? We are sure that no matter their styles, your cats provide you with much entertainment and lots of love.

With so many years of experience in cat care, our team is here to help you with your questions, and to be there should you ever need help. Give us a call today.

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