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Cat Cancer: 8 Symptoms

Posted June 26th, 2015 by admin

Recently here at A-1 Pets, we have suffered some losses in our pet family. Namely, we have cats who lost the battle to cancer. As pet parents, it is terrible to stand by and watch, knowing that there is little we can do to alleviate the pain – especially during the final stages

While cancer is less common in cats than it is in dogs, cats do get it. Adding insult to injury, cancer for cats seems to be significantly more aggressive, so if it is not caught in the early stages, then many times, pet owners have very little time to come to terms with the impending loss.

When it comes to pet cancers, there are several types that are common. These are feline leukemia, oral squamous carcinoma, and an assortment of tumors. And while cats are good at hiding illness,  there are some common symptoms one can watch for that are indicators that cancer may be in its early stages. Keep in mind that the symptoms below do not automatically mean your fluffy friend has cancer, but should you detect any of these signs, it is recommended that you schedule a veterinary appointment sooner, not later.

  1. Lumps and bumps – While not every lump/bump on your pet’s skin is cancerous, you won’t know until you have them check out. Your vet can do a needle biopsy and let you know within a short period of time.
  2. Unusual odors – If you are noticing an especially strong or strange odor coming from your cat’s mouth, ears or other body part, this could be a sign of cancers.
  3. Discharges – Cancer can cause your cat to discharge pus, blood, begin vomiting or have diarrhea. It can cause their abdomen to become bloated or to distend, as these are often the results of a growth such as a tumor. Vomiting and diarrhea are common signs of gastrointestinal lymphoma.
  4. Wounds – If your cat has wounds that are not healing, this can be an indicator. However, non-healing wounds may also be signs of infection or skin disease, too.
  5. Loss of weight or appetite – If your cat suddenly loses weight, and is not on a diet, or is not interested food, and is showing some of the other symptoms listed here, then a vet trip would be wise.
  6. Coughing or difficulty breathing – While these problems are often attributed to allergies or weather, they can also be indicative of heart disease, lung disease and certain types of cancer.
  7. Changes in bathroom habits – If you notice that your cat is visiting the litter box less frequently, has blood in their urine/stool or has difficulty going to the bathroom, then a visit to the vet is wise.
  8. Showing pain – Limping or other evidence of pain while the pet is running, walking, jumping or playing is often thought to be due to old age, but can also be a result of bone cancer.

Cat cancer can be treated effectively, but it must be caught early on. If you suspect that your cat may have more than “just” a cough or sore muscles, schedule a vet visit today and learn the true cause of your cat’s problems.  We know you love your pets – we love them, too – and that you want them to be happy and healthy.

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